pdf book free download Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals by John B.Heywood - EduTech



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Thursday, January 12, 2017

pdf book free download Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals by John B.Heywood

Book Title : Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals
Author(s)  : John B.Heywood
Publisher  : McGraw Hill
Pages         : 481
PDF size   : 42.2 MB
Book Description:
This text, by a leading authority in the field, presents a fundamental and factual development of the science and engineering underlying the design of combustion engines and turbines. An extensive illustration program supports the concepts and theories discussed.
Table of Contents:

Commonly Used Symbols, Subscripts, and Abbreviations
Chapter 1: Engine Types and Their Operation
Chapter 2: Engine Design and Operating Parameters
Chapter 3: Thermochemistry of Fuel-Air Mixtures
Chapter 4: Properties of Working Fluids
Chapter 5: Ideal Models of Engine Cycles
Chapter 6: Gas Exchange Processes
Chapter 7: SI Engine Fuel Metering and Manifold Phenomena
Chapter 8: Charge Motion within the Cylinder
Chapter 9: Combustion in Spark-Ignition Engines
Chapter 10: Combustion in Compression-Ignition Engines
Chapter 11: Pollutant Formation and Control
Chapter 12: Engine Heat Transfer
Chapter 13: Engine Friction and Lubrication
Chapter 14: Modeling Real Engine Flow and Combustion Processes
Chapter 15: Engine Operating Characteristics
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